This is my journal entry about the events of September 11, 2001.
I was driving to work and listening to the radio. I arrived at work, went to my classroom and turned the radio on--a normal day for me. The first announcement came that the tower had been struck. At first I thought it was a joke on the radio, then you could hear the shock and suprise in the announcers voices as they began to describe what was happening in New York. I was shocked and horrified. I logged onto the internet to be able to see what was happening. At the beginning I wondered if it was some horrible accident--then the second announcement came--a plane had struck the other tower. What a horrific attack on America.
I turned the radio off and headed down the hall to teach my first class. Most students were unaware of what was happening. Throughout the day I would tune into the radio during class. The principal would make periodic announcements and encouraged us to conduct school as normal as possible. I talked with each of my classes for a few minutes and then we would proceed with our lesson for the day.
None of us had any images to put with the terror yet. At the end of the day I drove home listening to more details as they came in. The World Trace Center, the Pentagon and the downed flight in Pennsylvannia. The tears flowed as I arrived home and started to put pictures with the attacks. I spent the rest of the day glued to the television and worrying about friends and those who knew people in New York and Washington.
I talked to my family and to Jason to make sure they were okay. All seemed to be okay. The next few days seemed to be suspended in time. Normal daily activities paled in comparison to the horror that was pouring out on the tv. Every time I would see an American flag the tears would come.
We had a patriotic assembly at school. inspiring and the quietest I've ever heard teenagers. The nation was unified and hearts were turned to God--the nation prayed together. It was an amazing time in our Nation's history. As things settled down and returned to "normal" there was still vivid in my memory the great tragedy, sacrifice and heroic efforts of the American people.
Ten years later, those images still bring tears and gratitude for all the heros that sacrificed that day and in the years that have followed to maintain our freedom. Are we still ONE Nation under God as were were then?