Sunday, September 11, 2011

9/11 Memorial

This is my journal entry about the events of September 11, 2001.
I was driving to work and listening to the radio. I arrived at work, went to my classroom and turned the radio on--a normal day for me. The first announcement came that the tower had been struck. At first I thought it was a joke on the radio, then you could hear the shock and suprise in the announcers voices as they began to describe what was happening in New York. I was shocked and horrified. I logged onto the internet to be able to see what was happening. At the beginning I wondered if it was some horrible accident--then the second announcement came--a plane had struck the other tower. What a horrific attack on America.

I turned the radio off and headed down the hall to teach my first class. Most students were unaware of what was happening. Throughout the day I would tune into the radio during class. The principal would make periodic announcements and encouraged us to conduct school as normal as possible. I talked with each of my classes for a few minutes and then we would proceed with our lesson for the day.

None of us had any images to put with the terror yet. At the end of the day I drove home listening to more details as they came in. The World Trace Center, the Pentagon and the downed flight in Pennsylvannia. The tears flowed as I arrived home and started to put pictures with the attacks. I spent the rest of the day glued to the television and worrying about friends and those who knew people in New York and Washington.

I talked to my family and to Jason to make sure they were okay. All seemed to be okay. The next few days seemed to be suspended in time. Normal daily activities paled in comparison to the horror that was pouring out on the tv. Every time I would see an American flag the tears would come.

We had a patriotic assembly at school. inspiring and the quietest I've ever heard teenagers. The nation was unified and hearts were turned to God--the nation prayed together. It was an amazing time in our Nation's history. As things settled down and returned to "normal" there was still vivid in my memory the great tragedy, sacrifice and heroic efforts of the American people.

Ten years later, those images still bring tears and gratitude for all the heros that sacrificed that day and in the years that have followed to maintain our freedom. Are we still ONE Nation under God as were were then?

Labor Day...A Day for Labor

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

GNO Group

Once a month I get together with a group of fellow FACS teachers for dinner. These women have become dear friends over the years. They are a great support system. I love so many things about each one of them, they are all so talented-kind-humorous-and fun to be with. Starting from the left then circling around the table: Susan, Rachel, Me, Diane, Pam, Holly, Anne, Becky, Lora and Rosemary. Thanks GNO: Girls Night Out! Love you all.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Summer Reading

This series of books was recommended to me by a friend at work. The Luxe includes 4 books, each about 450 pages. I was under the impression that is was a historical fiction, coming of age novel. Well, it was a coming of age, fiction minus the history. Yes, it was set at the turn of the century (1900) in New York, Manhattan society, but that was about all the history it contained. They were mildly entertaining and very easy to read. So overall I'd give it 1.5 stars out of 5. And I'm sort of embarrased to admit that I read all of them.

An Oprah pick from long ago: A Virtuous Woman by Kaye Gibbons. Well, I'm not sure why Oprah picked it. I found it rather dull and confusing as the husband and wife take turns narrating each chapter. It only took me half the book to figure that out. When it was over I honestly yelled out-loud WHAT?!? Ended very abruptly. I'd only give it a half star. Lame.

Then a surprising BEST! My friend Holly loaned me Escape by Carolyn Jessop at the beginning of the Summer. I put it at the bottom of my stack and coincidentally happened to be reading it the same week Warren Jeffs was on trial in Texas. It's the compelling story of a woman who was born and raised in the FLDS culture. The book was filled with fascinating insight into this bizzare world, suspense (will she get out) and shocking moments (does that really happen). I highly recommend this book. There are now plans to turn it into a movie starring Katherine Heigl, that should be interesting. I give it 4.5 stars!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

And the Word was good...

So this year, I am jumping in...finally, to learn how to use Microsoft Word. I might be the last person on the planet. I've been using Word Perfect for the last 17 years and it's taken a change in technology that has made me finally accept the futility of hanging onto my Word Perfect. I've been spending hours both at school and home learning how to use Word 2007 and 2010. I've got a new computer that should be set up in the next week or two. Surprisingly, I've enjoyed learning new things and it's a JOY when I get it to work the way I want it to. I'm struggling with columns and hope this is easier in the 2010 version. But for now..WORD...not nearly as terrible as I had thought it would be. It's good, by the end of the year I hope it's great!

PLC's & Little Piggies

Well, school's back in session! We've been doing lots and lots of work as a PLC (professional learning community). Here you can see us at work: Diane at the computer, Holly in deep thought, Camille writing it all down, and Cindy the student-teacher that's joined us for a bit. We all work really good together and each have different talents and strengths that add to the group.Our first PLC meeting was at the pedicure/nail salon. To celebrate being back in school we all got PHS green and white pedicures. Check out the detail on the spirited! What cute little piggies we have!

Travelling Sisterhood Week #9

The Black Hole

Best part of Las Vegas: Tahiti Village Pool & Lazy River. So relaxing. So refreshing.

The rest of Vegas: A Black Hole.

Travelling Sisterhood Week #8

We went to the Splash Pad in Highland, UT. It's right by the city offices. What a great place for the community to gather and play. It was crowded and the kids had a blast playing in the water.

Afterwards we dried off and went to lunch at Winger's. Great popcorn, great salads, great time! I hate to think of Summer coming to a close. I want days like this to go on forever!

Travelling Sisterhood Week #7

Travelling Sisterhood Week #6

This week took us to the Quilt Show at the Springville Art Museum. We've been going there for years with Mom. She came along this week which is always fun. I remember going to the quilt show with mom and grandma, now it's a 3rd generation outing. We all picked our favorites then headed to the Spaghetti Factory for lunch with the munchkins.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Return to Ricks College

So my good friend Karan and former roommate from Ricks (now BYU-Idaho) was back in the States from England visiting family in Montana. She and her family were going to be in Rexburg for a weekend so we've been planning to meet up there for months now. The day finally arrived. Woo Hoo! There's something about South-East Idaho that just feels like home to me. Maybe it's because I was born while we lived there, maybe it's because I went to school there, or maybe it's part of my "ancesteral" home.

Karan and I spent the afternoon wandering around campus and being amazed at home much the place has changed since we were there. We went to our old dorm and took this picture in front of our old apartment.

Ricks used to seem like the biggest place in the world to me, in reality, it's a very small and quaint campus. I think it felt so big because I felt SO grown up back then. Funny how time changes your perspective on that.

We had a great time reminiscing and re-living the old glory days. The only thing that would have made it better would have been Shannon and Robynn. Where are you guys? Karan, you're the best! I'm so lucky to not only have had you for a roommate, but you're the kind of friend that is forever. Love you tons!!

Travelling Sisterhood Week #5

Destination: Cabella's. Hey, other people drive for days to visit Cabella's. Why can't we enjoy it? It's kind of like the Bean Museum at BYU only cooler. Tons of wild life to view and a water-feature in the middle of the store. We stopped here to feed the fish.

Four beauties amongst the "moose". What's the plural of moose? Mice...mooses...mooooose?

Did you know they have a shooting gallery? I'm pretty sure everyone was a better shot than me. I could only hit things in the first or second row. Looks like I need some more practice. Rumors are that an indoor shooting range is going in by my house. Could this be a new hobby? Maybe if I learn to shoot a real gun, the guns at Cabella's will be easier to handle.

Travelling Sisterhood Week #4

My sister is one of the most compassionate, kind and selfless people I know. I want to be more like her when I grow up. This week Crystal babysat her neighbor's children while the 37 year old mom went to the hospital for a mastectomy. Imagine finding out that you have breast cancer and in a matter of days you're in the hospital for surgery and will soon be starting chemotherapy and you have a 1 and a 3 year-old. Overwhelming.

So for our travels we babysat 2 very darling but out-of-sorts little girls that didn't understand why their mom wasn't there. We tried to distract them by playing outside and splashing in the pool. I'm not sure it worked.

Best wishes to her neighbor for a speedy and full recovery. God bless.

FCCLA and Disneyland

A trip to FCCLA Nationals has been a staple of my Summer for my entire career. I've been to lots of fun places: San Diego, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, New Orleans, Orlando and of course...Anaheim, CA. I've missed the last few years due to budget cuts and other factors. This year I was back in action. We took a group of 13 girls and 2 boys and spent a week attending meetings, competing in events and having a good old time at Disneyland. I've decided 5 days is the perfect amount of time to take teenagers on a trip. 7 days is 2 too many. :) It's a long week with non-stop action. I was exhausted at the end, but glad to have been there.

We took a few of the girls to church at the Crystal Cathedral. A fun and different church-going experience. That's one of my favorite things to do...find somewhere new and interesting for church while we're gone. It's fascinating to see how the various churches operate.

Diane and I have been to Anaheim three times now with FCCLA. Each time we're there we have tried to have lunch at the Blue Bayou. You know, that cool restaurant you see at the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. Well, this year we finally made it! Totally worth it! Ambiance. Delicious. Dream. Come. True...

Travelling Sisterhood Week #3

Huber Grove is this quaint old farm settlement in Heber. We drove up the canyon and wandered around the grounds. There was an old farm house, an outhouse (which was a geo-cash site), a dairy, the orchards and then a beautiful grove behind the house. There's a path that wanders through the grove and makes a loop back to the house. It's a beautiful property and very well-maintained. Fun to explore a new place together!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Happy Independence Day!

After missing the parade for the last several years, we decided to brave it again this year. I've always loved the 4th of July. The patriotism, the parade, the family time, the picnic, the fireworks. Caleb and his boys went super early to secure us a spot in the shade in front of Provo High. It was right at the beginning of the parade route, things moved quickly, all the bands were playing, it was nice and cool and the perfect place for parade viewing. It made us all remember why we loved going to the parade in the first place. We followed up the parade with a picnic at Mom & Dad's. God Bless America!

Travelling Sisterhood Week #2

This week the Sisterhood of the Travelling Van headed out to Nielson's Grove Park. Located just off Sanhill Road between Orem and Provo. We're actually related to the "Nielson's" of this particular Grove, so it's like visiting our ancestoral home-land, sort-of.
What is it about feeding ducks that is just so fun and takes you right back to giggling like a little girl again? Two loaves of stale bread later, the ducks were full. We tried to get the giant swing going...we needed some muscle power to get it going this year.

The sisters: Maren (almost 2), Addy (8) and Sydnee (6).

Crystal and her girls:

Mom and her girls:

I know...we all hate having our picture taken, but one day we'll look back and see how young we all were, well, sort-of young. Thanks for another great day!

Taco Tuesday

Afterall, this blog is called Taco Tuesday. Here's a pic of some delicious steak tacos I made last Tuesday. I L-O-V-E Mexican food and generally eat a taco or something of the sort every Tuesday. I like trying new recipes or inventing something new from leftovers or trying a new local taco shop...any recommendations? Want to join me?

Uncle Jim's Cabin

My Uncle Jim and Aunt Rosemarie have a delightful cabin up at Strawberry. Each year they invite the extended family up for an afternoon. This was the first year I was able to go in a long time. We had a great time sitting on the deck and visiting with each other. My cousins, sister and I sat and reminisced about our childhood and high school memories and had some good laughs. Sydnee took my camera and entertained herself by taking pictures of everything she could find. 100+ pictures later, you get some insight into what the world looks like to a 6 year-old. She actually took some really good shots. She's got a bit of an artistic eye. She took all of these pictures...impressive!

It was a great day and we all enjoyed ourselves so much. Thanks Uncle Jim and Aunt Rosemarie!!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Return of the Travelling Sisterhood

Yeah! It finally feels like Summer is official. Last year my sister and I with her 3 girls in tow went on a little adventure once a week, we had a great time together and it was the hi-light of my Summer. Yesterday was our first day out. We began our travels at Bridal Veil Falls to honor our uprorarious first week from last year. No naked lady of the falls this year, thank goodness! We walked up to the falls, got our feet wet, enjoyed the beauty, stayed away from the raging river and took some pics. Nothing beats being in the canyon in the Summertime.

After Bridal Veil Falls we headed up to Vivian Park for a picnic lunch and some playground time. A great start to our Summer travels. Crystal dubbed this the "Sisterhood of the Travelling Van" last year, so I'm stealing her idea; well, just maintaining consistency really. Week success. Thanks kiddo and Addy and Sydnee and Maren. Love you all!